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Groupe PolyAlto Plastic Ingenuity

Fill your needs regarding plastic: fill up to lower prices

During the fabrication of many daily custom projects, PolyAlto Group generates a large quantity of reusable material of all genres. The company tries to give a second chance to these products by offering reusable material to the public.

Therefore, by leveraging on an inventory estimated in thousands of dollars and representing many square feet, the customer will be able to choose within a large offer of products in different sizes and thickness.

Those reusable scraps are an option to handyman, experimented or not, who are looking for a small amount of a precise product. Acrylic, polycarbonate and acetal make part of popular products and for which PolyAlto Group has a large amount on stock.

In addition of not having a minimum of quantity material to respect to make your purchase, those off cut stock are available to a fraction of the price.

Do not hesitate to visit one of our counsellors at our shop, he would be glad to guide you and answer all of your questions.

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